AI for Space Technologies

We are experiencing a rapid technology transition, driven by a digital transformation process, based on Cloud computing, on Big Data & Internet of Things and on advanced analysis techniques, such as machine/statistical learning.

This somewhat unpredictable scenario has determined a rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) often called AI Renaissance. A recent WEF analysis shows AI could give a great contribution to the global economy by 2030, adding 14% to the global GDP. AI’s potential, from advanced manufacturing to space industry, from urban mobility to medicine, could be the key to addressing critical social challenges and promoting more inclusive growth.

Italy and the USA have approved their National AI Strategy. The National Science Foundation has recently launched the NSF-led National Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes, establishing a set of hubs in a broader nationwide network that will accelerate research in AI. Italy has approved a pluriannual National Research Program, focused on AI and its applications, and is planning to constitute a National Institute for Artificial Intelligence. A plurality of collaborations between Italian and US institutions in the AI field, involving prestigious research centers, offer favorable conditions to promote more structured cooperation between the two countries.

The Embassy of Italy and the Consular Network in the USA launched the “ITALY – US WEBINAR SERIES ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”, dedicated to AI applications to different aspects of society, everyday life and research.

After “AI FOR FUTURE URBAN MOBILITY” and “AI FOR LIFE SCIENCES AND HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES”, the focus of this third event, jointly organized by the Embassy and the Consulate General in Houston, is “AI FOR SPACE INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY”.

The webinar will be opened by Armando Varricchio, Ambassador of Italy to the USA. Introductory remarks will be given by Giorgio Saccoccia, President of the Italian Space Agency.

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